Introduction to sound

Part 1:

I took a lot of information from these videos and audios. One of the things I learned was more about anecdotes and reflections of a story. An anecdote is a series of actions that keep the listener connected to the story. Or even a chain of events that all connect to eachother. As for the reflection, it comes with the anecdote, where the person telling the story states a deeper meaning of what is happening.

Ira Glass goes into detail on the importance of relatability. I found this information important and intriguing because I never realized how true it is. When a reader can see themselves in the story they become more invested. This makes the experience more interesting and deeper for the reader. One thing I learned about audio storytelling is how well it engages the readers imagination. I feel like this happens because you aren’t focusing so much on reading words back and forth, you can close your eyes and just listen and imagine.

A couple more things I found interesting is the way authors try to show authenticy and try to show real emotions in the story. As well as being unpredictable and using the surprise aspect many times throughout the story. One last thing would be the value of silence. I didn’t think much of this but then I realized how important it could actually be. Just having brief pauses in the story and give a sense of surprise or time for reflection.


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