Part 3: Design Blitz and Blog Post




I chose this photo for dominance because It shows one main focus in the image. Yes, it has the background with water trees and the reflection, but everyone will be looking at the fish. The tip that I used was Every design should have a primary area of interest or focal point that serves as a way into the design.


For this image, when I took it I was thinking about proportion. This is becausse it shows just how big the lake is compared to us in our kayaks. We are just out there floating in a hiuge body of water. The tip I used was that the relationship in scale between one element and another, or between a whole object and one of its parts.


When I was in the car I looked out and saw this. I had to take a picture. The reason this is under color is because of how much green and blue is here. They reflect eachother so well and it pops out.


This was kind of a last second photo that I took. I was trying to find something and I looked around but when I got to my room I was this. I chose this because of how symetrical it is and it just made since to use it. One of the reasons being because of this tip. Symmetrical balance occurs when the weight of a composition is evenly distributed around a central vertical or horizontal axis. 


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