Category: Blogs

  • Summary Blog post for Intro to Design

    Part 5 I learned a lot from the design assignment and just this weeks assignments in general. The text that I read taught me so much and helped me grasp the concept of it all. I learned that I actually know somewhat on editing pictures, it may not be a lot but its a start.…

  • Design Assignment 3



    For this assignment forever change the plot of a movie, tv show, etc. by changing a single line of dialogue. Put this new line of dialogue below a screen-cap of the moment in the movie you’re changing. The movie is Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I chose this movie because I thought this was…

  • Design Assignment 2



    Explore how the PhotoChrome site generates a color palette based on images from a word search in Unsplash. Pick a word that you think might generate interesting colors, and see what colors ir produces. Download the image generated and incorporate on of the reported images into it, maybe with a lot of opacity. See if people can guess…

  • Design Assignment 1



    Using an editing software, edit a photo and crop to an 11×17. Then add text for the location or something fun. My friend and I decided to one night to take the kayaks out on the lake. We weren’t expecting to catch many fish, because we never do here. It was a very warm morning,…

  • Part 3: Design Blitz and Blog Post



    Dominance I chose this photo for dominance because It shows one main focus in the image. Yes, it has the background with water trees and the reflection, but everyone will be looking at the fish. The tip that I used was Every design should have a primary area of interest or focal point that serves…

  • Part 2: Read and Reflect on The Vignelli Canon



    For my reflection on the Vignelli Canon, I would say there are a lot of neat concepts and interesting thoughts all throughout it. I love how it is set up. There are so many different facts and just great descriptions of each concept. The pictures that go along with it just help me understand even…

  • Part 4: Summary

    Summary For these different assignments I learned many things. Although my assignments may not look great I am still learning. I had no clue what I was doing with this website. I was experimenting with many different things. Some of these assignments helped me figure out stuff I may need to know in the future.…

  • Intro Visual Part 3



    Draw-It assignment One day, I was golfing with my grandpa. It was super hot outside so we were sweating pretty badly. It was a tournament and we were losing with only 5 holes left. We had to start playing better. It was a big tournament, with around 200 players. This tournament was in Tampa, Florida.…

  • Intro Visual: Part 2



    Make the eyes twice as Big. Normal Size Edited

  • Visual Assignment 1



    Make a collage of the four seasons. Winter, Summer, Fall and Spring. For this assignment I wanted to tell a story of basiclly my life and the different activities I do throughout the years. Every winter I am snowboarding, I go as many times as possible. It is probably my favorite thing to do. Flying…