Tag: SoundAssignments

  • Final Summary

    I learned so much in this class that I didn’t think I would enjoy. This is because I took this class as a filler and had no interest at all. At first I thought it would be pretty easy and I could get by, by just waiting til the last minute to do everything. I…

  • Part 5: Summary Blog Post

    Summary: I Learned a lot of different things for this weeks assignment. I was very unfamiliar with using sounds, audio and anything in that nature. Having to add clips to images and to cut up different recordings was challenging. That was probably the hardest part, learning how to use Audacity. The easier part this time…

  • The Scary Screams

    Audio Assignment 2 One night, a lone survivor from a plane crash was wondering the woods. He had to scavenge anything he could to survive the night. He was hoping something or someone would come to the rescue after seeing the plane go down. He wasn’t too worried but something about the place he crashed…

  • Introduction to Sound

    Part 3: Listening to Stories The episode I chose to reflect on was from Glynn Washington. It is called “The Iron Gate” and is Season 2 episode 3. Some interesting point that I noticed throughout the story was the use of the noise for the Iron Gate. It was used all throughout this audio. I…

  • Introduction to sound

    Part 1: I took a lot of information from these videos and audios. One of the things I learned was more about anecdotes and reflections of a story. An anecdote is a series of actions that keep the listener connected to the story. Or even a chain of events that all connect to eachother. As…