Introduction to Sound

Part 3: Listening to Stories

The episode I chose to reflect on was from Glynn Washington. It is called “The Iron Gate” and is Season 2 episode 3. Some interesting point that I noticed throughout the story was the use of the noise for the Iron Gate. It was used all throughout this audio. I realized that they might’ve done this to build tension. Some other sounds I heard were random noises, this includes screams, footsteps and whispers. I think this was added to maybe try and make the reader frightened and uneasy. This story adds a lot of background noise and echo effects. This includes leaves rustling and the wind as well as different tones that correlate with the topic and meaning of the story.

Different music was played at different parts, this includes a change of pacing at the climax with eery and unsettling tones. I’ve noticed this in many different shows, movies, or audios. When something is about to happen the music may get faster or louder. The author may try to trick you, they will build up the audio to try and act like something is about to happen. Then nothing happens. When the music stops is when something may appear or try and scare you.

I think the audio format of this episode was great for interacting with the reader. I feel this way with a lot of horror or spooky films too. They really know how to jump scare or build up the intensity of a scene. They do a good job at this because of the music and the sound effects they use. Loud noises, crying, whispering, and different random unidentifiable noises. It always keeps the reader on their toes and thinking. For this episode I just thought there was a great connection to the audience as well as pacing throughout the story.


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